Active AI: Inspiration

Our team of experts will take you on a journey of discovery and inspiration, showcasing the latest advancements in AI technology and the impact it can have on your business. With a focus on generative AI, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the possibilities and limitations of this cutting-edge technology, and see how and if you can use it responsibly in your business.

By inviting us in for a one hour AI Inspiration, you'll receive an engaging and interactive presentation that will challenge your thinking and spark new ideas. Our experts will share real-world examples and practical insights on how AI is being used across industries. Whether you're a business leader, an innovation champion, or simply curious about AI, Active AI: Inspiration is the perfect opportunity to expand your knowledge and gain valuable insights.

Price: 40 000 SEK

Contact us below for more details.

The AI Inspiration was great, both the setup with a lot of interaction and your examples. But above all, I liked the way the speaker presented, both passionately and informatively, but with a personal and lovely finesse!”
It’s was an amazing skill the presenter had to be able to hold an engaging inspirational lecture that everyone, regardless of their development background, could follow, and then open up the laptop and delve straight into the details that our developers appreciated <3

Active AI: Exploration & Enablement Workshop